The Relationship Between Motivation And Causes Of Burnout: A Case Study Of UiTM Johor Branch Learners
Perception, Learners, Burnout, Motivation, UiTMAbstract
Motivation is an important element of human beings, as the natural environment of life is conducting them to be the best and performs well. This competitive environment leads to various pressures and basically, it is considered normal to have stress in life. However, it is important to manage and find the cause of stress to resolve any unnecessary pressure or burnout. The not well-managed problem in life will affect health of an individual physically and emotionally. Extreme stress also contributes to procrastinating, improper behaviour and poor emotional control. This situation also related to learners during their learning studies. Thus, the objective of this study is to investigate the perception of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Johor Branch learners towards motivation and the causes of burnout. Additionally, this study aims to analyse relationship between motivation and the causes of burnout. This study is a quantitative research survey of UiTM Johor branch learners. The questionnaire was conducted to 131 respondents. The instrument used is a 5-Likert-scale survey. As a result, this study shows that most of the respondents were motivated to learn because of several factors, such as achieving good grades in study, improving current grades and their satisfaction to understand the course. The respondents reported that their success related to their hard work and strong belief in self-capabilities. This study found that the cause of burnout is fatigue as respondents are mostly exhausted after class and need some relaxation time. Another cause of burnout among respondents is the challenges of learning process in the course itself. Additionally, this study shows that there is also a strong positive relationship between motivational constructs and causes of burnout.
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