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Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.
Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies (2024 New Guidelines)
Authors are highly advised to read the Author Guidelines in preparing their manuscript according to the Al-Qanatir’s specifications to ensure smooth submission process. Authors are reminded to avoid plagiarism and adhere to the code of ethics of the Al-Qanatir Journal.
2024 Article Template and Transliteration Guidelines
Arabic, English and Malay Template and Transliteration Format
Submission Guidelines
Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies is a refereed journal that publishes original and well-researched articles in the fields of Islamic studies and any other related areas. Manuscripts published in the Al-Qanatir represent the views of the authors concerned and not necessarily those of the editorial board.
Al-Qanatir accepts English, Malay, and Arabic articles. A manuscript submitted for consideration of publication in the Al-Qanatir must not be considered for publication elsewhere, either in electronic or printed form. The manuscript was also not published previously. The corresponding author should declare this when submitting the manuscript to the journal.
Manuscripts should be submitted through the online submission system. New author will be required to register as a new user before proceeding to the submission stage. Most processes and procedures are self-explanatory, but in case assistance is needed, please e-mail the managing editor.
A manuscript should be prepared in accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th style guide by using the Cambria or Traditional Arabic fonts. For a Malay or Arabic manuscript, an additional abstract and title in English should be attached. Keywords consisting of five (5) words should also be provided in the manuscript. Font size should be 11 for Cambria and 16 for Traditional Arabic, typed in single spacing. The length of the article should not be more than 20 pages, excluding references. Kindly use the Al-Qanatir Journal template for further reference.
Each manuscript should include an abstract of no more than 300 words. For Malay or Arabic manuscript, an ADDITIONAL ABSTRACT AND TITLE IN ENGLISH must be accompanied with the manuscript. Keywords consist of five (5) words.
All authors that are named on the manuscript must have made contributions to the paper, whether in the design and/or analysis and interpretation of the data/or drafting of the paper. All authors must have critically reviewed and approved the contents of the final version of the manuscript submitted for publication.
Conflict of Interest
Avoid any possible conflict of interest, or appearance of conflict of interest during the submission process.
Since the Journal practices peer-reviewing, authors are to be reminded not to nominate reviewers that are of the same institution and the authors of the manuscript. Authors should not nominate any individuals whom they know have already read and provided comments on the manuscript or a previous version of the manuscript since such knowledge would automatically violate the reviewing process. Suggested peer-reviewers will be considered in the reviewing process by the Journal. If there is no response from the suggested peer-reviewers, the Journal has the rights to nominate reviewers.
Authors are required to disclose the source of funding of their research at the acknowledgment according to the following format:
The research work was funded by Grant’s name (Grant No.).
Contributors to the article other than the authors listed should be included under the Acknowledgment with specific necessary details.
Authors are advised to be prompt with their manuscript revisions. Al-Qanatir Journal practices completion of article revision within two (2) to three (3) weeks. If there are any complications that render the Authors' manuscript revision delayed, the Authors are responsible for informing the Managing Editor to request an extension. Manuscript with no returned revised submission will be withdrawn from al-Qanatir in effect after one (1) month from the expiration date given.
In any case where the author wishes to withdraw a manuscript that has been submitted for intended publication in Al-Qanatir, the author must inform the Managing Editor of their withdrawal with appropriate reasons.
Copyright Assignment and Permissions
For all articles published in Al-Qanatir Journal, copyright is retained by the authors. Articles are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, meaning that anyone may download and read the paper for free. In addition, the article may be reused and quoted provided that the original published version is cited. These conditions allow for maximum use and exposure of the work, while ensuring that the authors receive proper credit.
In exceptional circumstances, articles may be licensed differently. If the author have a specific condition (such as one linked to funding) that does not allow this license, please mention this to the Al-Qanatir Managing Editorial. Exceptions will be granted at the discretion of the publisher.
Reproducing Published Material from other Publishers
It is absolutely essential that authors obtain permission to reproduce any published material (figures, schemes, tables, or any extract of a text) that does not fall into the public domain or for which they do not hold the copyright. Permission should be requested by the authors from the copyright holder (usually the Publisher, please refer to the imprint of the individual publications to identify the copyright holder).
Permission is required for:
Permission is not required for:
Obtaining Permission
In order to avoid unnecessary delays in the publication process, you should start obtaining permissions as early as possible. If in any doubt about the copyright, apply for permission. Al-Qanatir cannot publish material from other publications without permission.
The copyright holder may give you instructions on the form of acknowledgement to be followed; otherwise follow the style: "Reproduced with permission from [author], [book/journal title]; published by [publisher], [year].' at the end of the caption of the Table, Figure or Scheme.
Any other materials on this website (including without limitation the text, computer code, artwork, photographs, images, music, audio material, video material and audio-visual material on this website is owned by Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies and its licensors.
Manuscript Format and Structure
Please read this section carefully to avoid any violation of the submission process. Papers that are prepared accordingly with minimal errors and conform to the format and style will likely to ensure efficient communication and fast track of publication. If required, the Al-Qanatir Editorial Management will return the manuscript to the Authors for scientific and editorial correction in which will delay the publication time. Please use the template provided as a guide in manuscript preparation.
The Editor reserves the right to make literacy corrections and to make suggestions to improve brevity. Charges may apply depending on the quality and preparation of the manuscript. Hence, authors are reminded to proof-read their manuscript before submitting their manuscript for the final review to the Managing Editor.
Manuscript File Type
Prepare your manuscript in a SINGLE file following the arrangement of the sections: Title Page Information; Manuscript (Text); Figures and/or Tables. Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies only accepts Microsoft Word (MS Word) type of file format. Refrain from submitting your manuscript as a PDF file.
The Language used is English, either UK or US, Arabic and Bahasa Melayu (Malay-Malaysia). Do not have a mixture of both languages. Manuscripts must be written in clear and comprehensible English/Arabic/Bahasa Melayu in the correct format. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to have their manuscript proof read or checked by an English-speaking colleague prior to submission. Please note that multiple language errors detected will render the manuscript to be rejected.
Title Page Information
Title – Concise and informative. Please write in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Author names – All accredited authors’ names must be correctly spelled, written as the published author name in a single line. Names are to be written in the format of last name first, followed by the first and middle names initials. i.e. New, C.Y.
Affiliations - Present all authors’ affiliation addresses accordingly below the names of the authors. Provide full postal address without any abbreviations. Indicate all affiliations with number superscripts, placed in front of the last name and the similar number superscript must be indicated in front of the addresses. Provide email address of the authors, written after the affiliations’ address, indicated.
Corresponding author – The corresponding author must be clearly stated in the affiliation information.
Manuscript Style
Headings of the sections are to be bold and appear on its own separate line. Subheadings/subsections should be given a brief heading, and appear on its own separate line. Authors are advised to minimize subsections. Please number the headings and subheadings accordingly. i.e.
The manuscript should include:
Abstract – Executive summary of the manuscript which includes the specific aims, brief description of method, main findings and conclusions in a single paragraph. No references should be included in the abstract. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. Kindly include the contribution of the study to the international intellectual community.
Keywords – Only 5 words allowed indicating the essentials of the research work. Separate each keyword with a comma (,) in a single line.
Introduction and Literature Review– A brief literature review and previous relevant work with references. Include the objectives of the research work at the last paragraph clearly.
Methodology – Precise methods should be described to ensure reproducibility. Published or known methods should be cited correctly and if, there are any modifications, it should be noted.
Results/ Findings– Clear and concise. Presentation of results with tables and figures may improve its clarity. Avoid presenting repetition results in writing and in the form of tables and figures.
Discussion – Explains the significance, impact and consequences of the results. Results and discussion may be combined or separated.
Conclusion – Authors are advised to provide a conclusion to sum up of results interpretation with suggested recommendations. Avoid repetition of the points made in the preceding sections.
Conflict of Interest – Disclose any potential conflict of interest appropriately.
Acknowledgement – Indicate any source of funding or other contributors to the work in a single paragraph and kept at the minimum.
Citation in text
References should be cited in the text as: (author, date). For Arabic manuscript references MUST BE written in Roman script both; in text and list of references. For further formatting and referencing aid, please consult APA Publication Manual 7th Edition (https://apastyle.apa.org/) or (https://libguides.csudh.edu/citation/apa-7).
All references in the text must be listed in the references section with the names of authors, arranged alphabetically. It is the duty of the author to ensure all references cited to be listed, COMPLETE and ACCURATE without ANY LOSS of information required by the Al-Qanatir. Please ensure all references cited within the text must also be present in the reference list (and vice versa).
Use this style for your caption: Figure 1: Theoretical Framework of Syariah and Law.
Footnotes are accepted, in most Arabic type of article. Make sure to include complete information as follow:
For Malay and English article, it is advised to use 7th APA Style Citation. In some cases, footnotes should be kept to a minimum. They should be numbered in the text indicated by superscript numbers and kept as brief as possible.
Abbreviations should be used sparingly and only if a lengthy name or expression is repeated throughout the manuscript, and never in the title. The abbreviated name or expression should be cited in full at first usage, followed by the accepted abbreviation in parentheses.
After Review and Acceptance
If your paper has been reviewed by minimum of two (2) experts, authors will be prompted with an email notification on the decision of your manuscript with the acceptance/rejection letter. All manuscripts accepted are subject to APC. This is the article processing charge (APC) used to cover the publishing costs, website and administrative. In addition, Al-Qanatir Journal will not consider for waiver policy.
The Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editors will perform a technical check on the manuscript deeming its quality and preparation of the manuscript. If necessary, the article will be returned to the author for further clarification.
Starting in 2024, we are adding a new policy: any major improvement needs for transliteration (specifically Arabic language articles) will be charged for additional fee.
Proof Corrections (if any)
The paper will then proceed into production once the necessary documents have been received. Authors will be notified by email when the PDF proof is ready for final checking before publication. Proofs must be returned to the Production Editor within two (2) days of receipt.
Authors are given the flexibility of correcting the proof once before the finalized proof is released. Subsequent corrections will be charged. Hence, authors are reminded to perform a thorough checking on the galley proof.
Article Retraction/Removal
If author wishes to retract/remove their article, the author may write into the Editorial Office and stating their justification. However, this action is highly discouraged by the Journal once the Journal had accepted the manuscript for publication. Al-Qanatir Journal has provided full publishing services and only able to recoup this investment through the APC. Any retraction/removal does not detract from the publishing services provided or from our ongoing maintenance of the scientific record.
Article Withdrawal without Notification after Acceptance
This is a serious offence in the ethics of publishing. Authors should bear the responsibility of their manuscript submission and progress in a journal. If Al-Qanatir does not receive any reply from the author after review stage and acceptance within four weeks, Al-Qanatir assumes that the author withdraws their article. This will affect the author’s reputation as Al-Qanatir adheres to the ethics of publishing seriously.
Manuscript Submission Checklist
Please use the following list to perform the last checking of the manuscript prior sending it to the Al-Qanatir Journal for review.
Al-Qanatir Visitors
Opinions expressed in this journal are the opinions of the author(s). al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies shall not be responsible or answerable for any loss, damage or liability etc. caused in relation to/arising out of the use of the content.
(c) Usuli Faqih Research Centre PLT. 2024