Vol. 32 No. 1 (2023): al-Qanatir: October Issue
Industrial Revolution 4.0 In Zakat Distribution: A Platform Towards The Implementation Of Technology Integration Of Computer Systems And The Physical World Revolusi Industri 4.0 Dalam Agihan Zakat: Platfom Ke Arah Pelaksanaan Integrasi Teknologi Sistem Komputer Dan Dunia Fizikal
- Paper 4 (In Malay) Abstract views: 120
The Effect Of Work Ethic On Sharia Governance - Compliance As An Intermediate Variable: A Comparative Study Between Libyan And Jordanian Islamic Banks أثر أخلاقيات العمل على الحوكمة الشرعية، الامتثال كمتغير وسيط: دراسة مقارنة بين المصارف الإسلامية الليبية والأردنية
- Paper 7 (In Arabic) Abstract views: 682
Book Review
The Dictionary Maqāyīs Al-Luġah, By Ahmed Ibnu Fāris: A Book Review
- Paper 11 Abstract views: 110