A Review On Attitude And Motivation In The English Language Learning For Tahfiz Students In Malaysia
Attitudes, Motivation, English, Tahfiz Student, MalaysiaAbstract
This article explores the pivotal roles of attitude and motivation in English language learning, focusing on the unique context of Tahfiz students. Drawing upon scholarly literature, the article explores the definitions, interactions, and influences of these two key factors on language acquisition. By analysing existing studies within the field, the article aims to provide educators and stakeholders with a deeper understanding of the importance of attitude and motivation in supporting students' language learning journeys. The study's novelty lies in its focus on the Tahfiz setting, a context often overlooked in language learning research. Positive attitudes and motivation are crucial for Tahfiz students, as indifference can hinder their efforts and learning progress. By effectively cultivating these factors, educators can significantly impact the success of Tahfiz students in acquiring English as a second language (L2), enabling them to become global Islamic scholars.
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