Aplikasi Kaedah Al-Mashaqqah Tajlib Al-Taysir Dalam Pengurusan Ibadah Pesakit Skizoafektif
The Application Of Al-Mashaqqah Tajlib Al-Taysir Method In Worship Management Of Schizoaffective Patients
Schizoaffetive, Hallucination, Delusion, Worship, DifficultiesAbstract
Schizoaffective illness is one category of mental disorders that are linked to a mix of symptoms resembling both emotional disorders like depression and bipolar disorder and signs of schizophrenia. Symptoms are frequently accompanied by hallucinations, delusions, mania, and depression. Patients may eventually lose their sanity in a certain period due to these four symptoms. Naturally, in this instance, it negatively impacts the patient's quality of life in a number of ways, including emotional, cognitive, social, and religious domains. Sharia does not burden the performance of worship that is beyond the ability of the mukalaf. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the concept of schizoaffective disorder and its symptoms from a psychiatric standpoint and implement the method of al-mashaqqah tajlib al-taysīr in the management of schizoaffective patient worship. This study will utilise the documentation method, including references to fiqh and usul fiqh books, contemporary fiqh, psychiatric medical references, as well as scientific articles in relevant disciplines. The results of the study found that schizoaffective disease results in serious functional impairment symptoms such as psychotic symptoms, mania, and depression that affect the performing eligibility of mukalaf. The method of al-mashaqqah tajlib al-taysīr can be applied as a foundation in developing a worship procedure for schizoaffective patients based on the assessment of their existing taklif and the patient's difficulties with worship.
Penyakit skizoafektif merupakan salah satu pembahagian penyakit kecelaruan mental yang dikaitkan dengan gabungan simptom skizofrenia dan gangguan emosi seperti kecelaruan bipolar dan kemurungan. Antara gejala yang sering dikaitkan dengan skizoafektif ialah gejala halusinasi, delusi, mania dan kemurungan. Keempat gejala ini boleh mengakibatkan pesakit hilang kewarasan dalam tempoh tertentu. Sudah tentu dalam hal ini ia menganggu kualiti hidup pesakit dalam pelbagai aspek merangkumi emosi, kognitif, sosial dan termasuklah aspek ibadah. Syarak tidak membebankan pelaksanaan ibadah apa yang di luar kemampuan mukalaf. Justeru kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji konsep skizoafektif dan gejala-gejalanya menurut perspektif psikiatri serta mengaplikasikan kaedah al-mashaqqah tajlib al-taysīr dalam pengurusan ibadah pesakit skizoafektif. Kajian ini akan memanfaatkan metod dokumentasi merangkumi rujukan kepada kitab-kitab fiqah, usul fiqah, fiqh kontemporari, rujukan perubatan psikiatri serta artikel-artikel ilmiah dalam bidang-bidang berkaitan. Hasil kajian mendapati penyakit skizoafektif mengakibatkan gangguan fungsi gejala yang serius seperti gejala psikotik, mania dan kemurungan serta memberi kesan kepada kelayakan melaksana mukalaf. Kaedah al-mashaqqah tajlib al-taysīr boleh dijadikan landasan dalam membina prosedur ibadah pesakit skizoafektif berdasarkan penentuan taklif semasa dan kesusahan pesakit dalam permasalahan ibadah.
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