The Impact Of Zakat Funds On Poverty Levels In South Sumatra


  • Khairul Rijal Lecturer
  • Didik Susetyo Professor
  • Suhel Senior Lecturer
  • Anna Yulianita Senior Lecturer


Poverty, Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, South Sumatera


Poverty in South Sumatra is very high so special care must be taken to reduce this problem, in contrast to the relatively high potential for zakat. Zakat arrangements with a payroll system from the salary of each government employee have been implemented. This regulation has had a positive impact on collecting zakat funds in South Sumatra, but the position of zakat in helping the government alleviate poverty in this province needs to be studied further in scientific work. This research aims to determine the impact of zakat recipients by examining 120 zakat recipients managed by the National Zakat Amil Agency (BAZNAS) by analyzing the impact of zakat, infaq and sadaqah distribution in alleviating poverty based on the CIBEST method. Research shows that the distribution of zakat, infaq and sadaqah carried out by BAZNAS is able to significantly alleviate poverty. Providing zakat funds in the form of business capital on target was able to increase the welfare index by 57.84%, then the spiritual index increased to 4,276 from previously only 3,970, and the mustahik income index and poverty reduction both fell significantly by 24.77% and the poverty index Absolute decline of 100% or no more is categorized as materially poor and spiritually poor.


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Author Biographies

Khairul Rijal, Lecturer

Faculty of Economic STEBIS Muara Enim; Phd Candidate Faculty of Economics,  Siwijaya University

Didik Susetyo, Professor

Faculty of Economics,  Siwijaya University. 

Suhel, Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Economics,  Siwijaya University

Anna Yulianita , Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Economics,  Siwijaya University



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How to Cite

Rijal, K., Susetyo, D., Suhel, & Yulianita , A. (2024). The Impact Of Zakat Funds On Poverty Levels In South Sumatra . Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 33(3), 482–490. Retrieved from