Analysis On The Implementation Of Zakat Interview Panel: A Survey At Unit Zakat, Sedekah And Wakaf (UZSW) Of Uitm Johor


  • Khadijah Amira Abdul Rashid Lecturer
  • Mahasin Saja@Mearaj Senior Lecturer
  • Ahmad Fuzi Md Ajis Senior Lecturer


Zakat, Interview Panel, UZSW, Category of Asnaf, UiTM Johor


Zakat interview panel is one of the important members that acts to determine the eligibility of zakat recipient. UiTM Johor is one of the universities that apply zakat interview panel to speed up the zakat interview. However, there is slight inaccuracy in choosing the right asnaf for the applicant as the panel appointed is from various backgrounds. Therefore, the purpose of this research conducted is to study the factors affecting the inaccuracy of asnaf identification by zakat interview panel to the zakat applicants of UiTM Johor. This research uses qualitative method by using source of documents through E-ZAKAT system of UiTM Johor thematically. In addition, data was analyzed based on semi-structed interview from the coordinator of UZSW by using content analysis approach. The result of the study shows inaccuracy in identifying the right asnaf from the panel. This situation occurred due to several factors in terms of position or background and experience period of the panel. It is also affected by the lack of understanding related to the category of asnaf provided in the system. Other than that, the coordinator of UZSW stated that the evaluation is not only from the interview session but also doing a visit to the applicant’s house to see the real-life situation and get accurate information. Nevertheless, the factors are not such a big matter that need to be addressed and highlighted. This is because their appointment as a panel greatly helps UZSW in speeding up the interview process.


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Author Biographies

Khadijah Amira Abdul Rashid, Lecturer

Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Johor Kampus Segamat.

Mahasin Saja@Mearaj, Senior Lecturer

Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Johor Kampus Segamat.

Ahmad Fuzi Md Ajis, Senior Lecturer

College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Johor Kampus Segamat.



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How to Cite

Abdul Rashid, K. A., Saja@Mearaj, M., & Md Ajis, A. F. (2025). Analysis On The Implementation Of Zakat Interview Panel: A Survey At Unit Zakat, Sedekah And Wakaf (UZSW) Of Uitm Johor . Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 34(1), 64–77. Retrieved from