Exploring The Ethical Aspects And Compliance Practices In Shopee's Return And Refund Policies From The Shariah Perspective


  • Mila Dwi Rahmatya Master Candidate
  • Mohd Syahiran Abdul Lathif Senior Lecturer
  • Mohd Hapiz Mahaiyadin Senior Lecturer


Khiyar Rights, Business Ethics, Customer Protection, E-commerce


A report by the Indonesian Consumer Institute Foundation (YLKI) indicates that 32% of e-commerce issues are related to refunds. Shopee also faces this challenge, with numerous complaints regarding discrepancies between refund policies and their practical implementation. This qualitative study seeks to assess the extent to which Shopee's policies and return procedures adhere to Muamalah principles, as well as the application of Islamic ethics within these policies. Data from Shopee's official return and refund policies were collected and analyzed using qualitative and thematic methods to assess the company's adherence to fundamental Islamic economic principles. The assessment of the implementation of Islamic Business Ethics in Shopee's return policy is carried out using Nvivo 12. The study's findings show that Shopee's return and refund policies adhere to muamalah principles, including khiyar concepts such as khiyar aib, khiyar syart, khiyar rukyah, khiyar majlis, and khiyar tadless. The adherence to Islamic ethics is notably strong, with justice principles accounting for 54%, Amanah and Ihsan for 16%, free will for 11%, and responsibility for 12%. While there were 7% of minor cases of noncompliance due to coercion or injustice, no evidence of fraud, exploitation, or usury was found. To address such instances of noncompliance, it is recommended that a dispute resolution team comprised of individuals knowledgeable about Muamalah principles and justice be formed. Furthermore, economic practitioners and corporate policymakers must better understand Muamalah principles to ensure long-term business continuity.


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Author Biographies

Mila Dwi Rahmatya, Master Candidate

Master Candidate, Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA.

Mohd Syahiran Abdul Lathif, Senior Lecturer

Senior Lecturer, Academy of Comtemporary Islamic Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA. 

Mohd Hapiz Mahaiyadin, Senior Lecturer

Senior Lecturer, Academy of Comtemporary Islamic Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA.



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How to Cite

Rahmatya, M. D. ., Abdul Lathif, M. S., & Mahaiyadin, M. H. . (2024). Exploring The Ethical Aspects And Compliance Practices In Shopee’s Return And Refund Policies From The Shariah Perspective . Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 33(5), 230–246. Retrieved from https://al-qanatir.com/aq/article/view/963