Religious Moderation In The Indonesian Ulama Council (Mui) Fatwa: Analysis Of Fatwa Fikih On Interfaith Greetings


  • Ryan Bianda Kaunda PhD Student
  • Muhammad Yosef Niteh Senior Lecturer
  • Maad Ahmad Senior Lecturer


MUI Fatwa, Religious Moderation, Interfaith Greetings


This research aims to analyze how the principles of religious moderation are reflected in the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) on the Jurisprudence of Interfaith Greetings. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive-analytical approach. Data were collected from various secondary sources, including academic literature, official reports, the media, and other relevant sources. The results show that MUI's fatwa on Fikih Salam Lintas Agama reflects the principles of religious moderation, such as balance, tolerance, and public good. The fatwa seeks to bridge theological and social interests and encourage the harmonization of interfaith relations in Indonesia. However, the implementation of the fatwa still faces challenges related to differences in understanding and acceptance among the community. This research contributes to the literature on religious moderation and the role of MUI's fatwa in realizing religious harmony in Indonesia.


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Author Biographies

Ryan Bianda Kaunda, PhD Student

Doctor of Philosophy in Islamiyyat, Postgraduate Study Program, Selangor Islamic University (UIS)

Muhammad Yosef Niteh, Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Shariah and Law, Selangor Islamic University.

Maad Ahmad, Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Shariah and Law, Selangor Islamic University.



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How to Cite

Kaunda, R. B., Niteh, M. Y., & Ahmad, M. (2025). Religious Moderation In The Indonesian Ulama Council (Mui) Fatwa: Analysis Of Fatwa Fikih On Interfaith Greetings . Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 34(1), 82–92. Retrieved from